Tag Archives: bandung

Buat/Penggantian Paspor di Imigrasi Bandung

Bulan kemarin baru aja travelling ke Bandung- SG,

masalahnya waktu mau terbang tanggal 29 Januari 2011,

mbak A*rs*a di tempat check-in bilang bahwa passport saya “less than 6 months” and

dia gak berani nge-check-in-in saya.Passport saya expired 13 Juni 2011.

Disuruh ke kantor imigrasi dulu, untung Bapaknya baik..

Cuman nanya tiket pulang mana, berapa hari disana, nginep dimana, dan mengingatkan lebih baik langsung buat passport lagi kalo uda deket, jangan mpe kurang dari 6 bulan..

And so im coming back to Bandung. Mam sempet ngajakin buat ke SG atau Msia, dan pas banget paspor saya mau abis,, jadi….

Pergilah saya ke  imigrasi untuk mengurus perpanjangan(?), pembuatan lebih tepatnya, passport baru.

Tahap nya ada 3, tapi saya mah 4 kali kesana :

1. Datang, ambil formulir dan beli map.  22 Februari 2011

Jadi kalo mau bikin paspor, harus nyerahin berkas permohonan bikin pasport, harus isi formulir dan pake map kuning khusus. Map kuning bisa dibeli di kantin, harganya IDR 10.000 sekaligus dapet sampul paspor. Formulir bisa diambil (gratis) di loket samping gerbang Kantor Imigrasi.

Berhubung saya gak punya waktu pas hari itu, jadi cuman ambil formulir, beli map, terus pulang. Isi formulir di rumah, sesuai dengan KTP segala macem. Kalo mau umrah/haji kan nama di paspor mesti 3 kata tuh, jadi nama saya ditambahin nama keluarga biar 3 kata. Siapa tau dalam 5 tahun ke depan ada umrah/haji. Amin..

2. Datang buat kasih berkas permohonan. 23 Februari 2011

Saya datang jam 9 pagi, dan samperin satpam dan minta no antrian untuk mengumpulkan berkas permohonan. No antrian dapet no 400. Berkas permohonan itu terdiri atas : map kuning yang berisi -> formulir, fotokopi KTP, fotokopi akte kelahiran, fotokopi kartu keluarga, sama bawa paspor lama. Ini karena saya masih mahasiswa dan belum menikah, jadi persyaratannya itu aja. Fotokopiannya semua harus di kertas A4. Jadi fotokopi KTP juga jangan dipotong, biarin aja fotokopi 1 kali di kertas A4. Lumayan ngantrinya, pas dateng masih nomor berapaa gitu.. Tungguin aja nomor dipanggil di display Loket 1 (penerimaan berkas permohonan). Akhirnya dipanggil jam 10, berhubung persyaratan saya udah lengkap, gak nyampe 5 menit udah beres. Berkas-berkas map kuning itu diambil sama Imigrasinya, terus kita dikasih Tanda Terima Permohonan Paspor.

Tanda terima Permohonan Paspor isinya itu keterangan tanggal kapan kita harus menghadap kembali untuk tahap berikutnya, yaitu Pembayaran biaya (IDR 255.ooo) terus foto dan wawancara. Saya disuruh menghadap lagi tanggal 28 Februari 2011. Lalu karena masih mahasiswa disuruh tambahin fotokopi KTM. Udah beres pulang deh..

3. Datang untuk bayar dan foto dan wawancara. 28 Februari 2011

Saya datang jam 8.30, samperin satpam lagi bilang mau bayar, dapet nomor 4256. Padahal yang di display baru mpe nomor 4060 (fuu). Hari ini yang saya bawa adalah dokumen asli dari yang tahap no 2, sama tambahan fotokopian KTM. Udah gitu nunggu dipanggil aja sama Kasir atau sampe nomor kita ke display di kasir. Untuk loket pembayaran ini, dipanggilnya per 20 nomor. Jadi dari 4060, yang dipanggil nomor berikutnya 4061-4081, dst dst sampai no saya dipanggil pas kloter 4240-4260..

Kasihin lah ke Loket, no antrian kita beserta Tanda Terima Permohonan Paspor. Dari situ dia cariin berkas kita dulu, jadi duduk lagi aja tapi jangan jauh-jauh.. Abis berkas kita ketemu, dipanggil lagi ke Loket Pembayaran, baru deh bayar duitnya. Udah gitu duduk lagi, nunggu dipanggil untuk dapet Tanda Bukti Pembayaran. Nah terakhir dipanggil lagi, dikasih Tanda Bukti Bayar.

Dari situ kita mesti foto, ambil sidik jari, dan wawancara. Abis bayar, tidak perlu mengambil nomor antrian baru lagi, karena Loket Pembayaran dengan Loket Foto Wawancara nomor antriannya nyambung. Jadi tinggal nunggu lagi nomor dan nama kita dipanggil ke dalam Loket Foto Wawancara. Akhirnya tiba, masuk Loket Foto, diambil foto dan sidik jari. Foto gak boleh pake kacamata dan atau soft lens. Harus dilepas. Udah gitu, diambil sidik jari, sidik jari 10 jari semuanya..Lalu map kuning beserta semua dokumen dikasihin ke kita buat dibawa ke tempat wawancara.

Udah beres, ngantri lagi ke loket wawancara. Tempat foto dan wawancara ini adalah 1 ruangan yang sama, jadi nunggu nya gak begitu lama.. Di loket wawancara kasihin map kuning nya, tunjukkin yang asli nya (jika perlu). Terus dia liat dokumen kita, nanya nama, pastiin dengan akte kelahiran, pastiin alamat, terus nanya mau kemana? Disuruh mam bilang mau umroh, jadi jawab mau umroh, sama siapa? Sama keluarga. Udah gitu kasihin fotokopian KTM nya, terus nanti diminta tanda tangan Tanda Terima Penyerahan SPRI.

Di Tanda Terima Penyerahan SPRI, tercantum tanggal pengambilan Paspor..Entah lagi musim rame ato gimana, tapi pengambilan paspor nya baru tanggal 11 Maret 2011… T_____T

Tahap ini beres deh, pas saya liat jam, saya beres dari Imigrasi udah jam 11.00…

4. Datang buat ambil paspor jadi. 11 Maret 2011

Berhubung masih lama…ntar diceritainnya yaa~~


tadi datang jam 10-an, nyamperin satpam..eh katanya kalo mau ambil paspor mulainya dari jam 13.00-16.00

JEDEENGGGGG -___________________________________________-”

pulang lagi deh,,terus datang lagi jam 13.10-an

terus nyamperin satpam, “Pak, mau ambil paspor”. Ke loket V aja, kasihin tanda buktinya..

So ke loket V, kasihin tanda pengambilan.tungguin deh namanya dipanggil..

Pas akhirnya nama dipanggil, jam 14.00-an kali ya? lupa juga..

Nama dipanggil, cek data, terus tanda tangan..

Sayangnya, paspor nya jadi nya namanya tetep 2 kata -____-”


yasu deh, yang penting perjalanan tanggal 19 ntar SECURED.

c u later boys!! :*

***sedikit update lagi..ternyata setelah diliat halaman pertama,

ada tulisan begini : Nama tambahan : XX XXX XXX (3 KATA!!)

yay jadi bener deh 3 kata~~~ xD

Perhatian :

Tahap-tahap ini akan dilewati Anda-anda yang TIDAK MEMAKAI CALO. Saya kurang tau juga kalo pakai calo gimana, tapi tahap ini kalo kita ngurus sendiri…Sejauh ini keluar duitnya IDR 10.000 untuk map kuning, IDR 255.000 untuk bayar, 3x tarif parkir, biaya fotokopi segala macem.. :P

Anehnya lagi, saya kan uda pernah punya paspor, tapi gak ada judul perpanjang, jadi saya tetap harus mengalami tahapan persis seperti saya lagi buat paspor baru, cuman bedanya persyaratannya jadi nambah wajib ada paspor lama.. T____T

tapi kan sebenernya data saya, foto saya, sidik jari saya segala macem mestinya udah ada datanya?? Kenapa saya mesti ngulang semua prosesnya lagi dari awal T_______T

Ya sudahlah, semoga paspornya jadi on time terus harga tiket A*rs*a nya gak naik banyak teuing -____-

Untuk yang sudah menikah, pegawai swasta segala macem, syarat-syarat nya ada tambahan lagi, tapi saya gtw juga apa aja..

Cek aja langsung ke www.imigrasi.go.id/

Dengan kaitkata , , , , , , , ,

8 may 2010


copeland the farewell tour

copeland the farewell tour


this day was a busyyyy day -_-”

in the morning, i went to Gedung Sate and Monumen Perjuangan Bandung. i went there to took some pictures, pictures for kemana.com competition..it took me from 9am to 1pm..then i went home, and my mom asked me to drove her, and soo i went to Yogya Kepatihan, from 2pm till 5pm. and yet i had this sched to watch COPELAND at 8 pm.oh ya,while in my campus, i had this Pagelaran Seni Budaya, which i wasnt attending at all… :(

i will tell you about the COPELAND part, after Magrib pray, i went to ITB,,and somehow, i just got stuck and went to the venue at 7.45..the road to the Venue was a total traffic,, and we decided to ate in the way,,which took almost 30 minutes. when we got to The Venue, the parking lot already so full i must wasted some time to drove around the Venue just to found out that i could’t park inside and should find park outside, on the side of the streets. *SIGHS

officially, we reached inside the Venue at 9.30, and COPELAND had been playing since 9pm :((

the Venue was sooooo full, i tell you. i was AMAZED, there was soooooooo many people inside! and this is what i called crowded :

the crowd at the Venue

the crowd at the Venue


hemm, when i joined  the crowd, COPELAND was already playing the 7th song…and here is the song list :


2. Take care

3. Careful Now

4. I’m a sucker

5. Grey man

6. Chin up

7. Control freak : this was the song they played when i got there

8. Coffee

9. Sleep

10. Safest ledge

11. Suit case

12. Eat sleep repeat

13. Pin your wings

14. No one really wins

15. Paula sparks

16. California

17. Love affair

18. Brightest

19. Testing the strong ones

20. Attention

and they were sooo awesome!!! Aaron Marsh’s voice is sooo amazing,,AWESOMEEEEE hehe

but too bad i lost 7 song hueeee…it would be nice though if i got there on time….


thank you so much for Copeland and Nada Promotama.. and farewell to COPELAND…..

rock on Nada Promotama!!

p.s : can i made a request? please, please, PLEASE bring FUNERAL FOR A FRIEND to BANDUNG!!

they are working for their latest album to come out in 2010, and surely they will do TOUR, and if they have tour to Australia or Singapore, FFAF SHOULD COME TO INDONESIA TOO! :D

Dengan kaitkata , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

27 March 2010

last Saturday, i tried to walk on my ankle boot.

here’s the picture of what it seems like :

ankle boot

ankle boot


Seriously, i love high heels, although i havent find any confidence of wearing one on my daily life. hahaha :D

im only wearing it on several occasion, like wedding, or if i walk with my parents to the mall. im embarrassed if i have to wear it when i am walking with my friends. because i will look excessive, besides i  think im kind of pretty tall among my friends, so it will only make me looks taller (bigger). haha :D

though,, that Saturday i finally wore it.. 

I love this ankle boot from everbest, but the price was soooo expensive, i dont remember what time that was,, hmm, maybe in 2009. The price was almost IDR 700.000 for a shoe, phuihh.. i saw the shoe at Metro BSM, and since then i always checked the shoe. Metro BSM do a lot of sale, you know.. so, one day, the price dropped to, hmm let say between IDR 400.000 and 500.000? i dont remember. my mother allowed me to buy it, but i didnt, because it still so expensive :(

one day my friends opened an online store, for shoe, yupp, and she told me she could made a shoe exactly like what i want *like the picture above. i could get it for just IDR 150.000, of course i didnt want to miss that chance, and so i ordered from her. in maybe a month the shoe was finished.

hmm, what should i say? sometimes if you buy things online, you can only tell how it looks, but you cant tell how it is. I mean, the thing is about, how you feel it in your hand, how well the material is, how soft it is, how fragile it is, how hard it is, how big is the real thing, and so on.. you can not tell how it is based on your senses. you can only tell when the stuff arrived, and it will be too late to cancel and you will only feel regret. hmm, it happened to me when i bought clothes online. and so i am not going to buy clothes online anymore ;D

about the shoe, since i am the one who decided on the model, i had this vision of my about it. and here’s the other disadvantage of online shopping. you could be the one who decided the model, but when the stuff was completed, there are only two options, it is fit in with your vision, or it is not. and,, if it is not, you will be disappointed, and vice versa. so, hmm, let say the shoe was good, but it wasn’t fit very well with my vision. there.

and sooo, yess, i still had this fancy to everbest’s ankle boot.. :(

but you know what? another sale was coming on Metro BSM, and yess, you’re right, the price was reduced (again) till IDR 269.000!! waaaw, i was afraid there would be no other time, and yes i did buy it :D

and last Saturday i wore it… hihihi ;)

hm, this ankle boot, i guess the heels is around 12cms tall, yes it is very tall (according to me). people tend to say that “beauty is pain”. that Saturday, i really really was going through that. hahaha.. ok, ok, personally i think it is not right, i mean, “beauty is pain”?, come on… beauty is about feel comfortable being who you are, wear what you love to wear, just being you. so it is not pain. but my feet was hurt, yes it was, because i didnt accustomed to wear 12cms tall shoe. that was it. :p

soooo happy finally have my evb* ankle boot  -rock-. i guess i will try to use it more often ;)

fyi : i already got my Copeland ticket for the Farewell Tour! yay ! 

Dengan kaitkata , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

15 March 2010

here i want to share..

on 20 march 2010, there will be an amazing rockin event in Bandung.


festive sound

you can see all the bands line-up for that Saturday. what more can i say? haha..

since you must be dying to come there, i will give you basic information of the venue.

The ticket will cost you IDR 50.000 and you can buy them at these ticket boxes :

Radio Ardan – Jl. Cipaganti No 159, Bandung, telp : (022) 2034094, 2033256

99ers  – BRI Tower, 14th floor Suite 1401 Jl. Asia Afrika No. 57-59, telp : (022) 4209990

OZ Bandung – Jl. Setrasari II no 14, Bandung, telp : (022) 2013233 – 36, 2020596

Hard Rock FM dan I Radio – Jl. Sulanjana no 15, Bandung, telp : (022) 421261

Bumi Sangkuriang – Jl. Kiputih no 12, Ciumbuleuit, Bandung, telp : (022) – 2032661 / 2034149

or, you can buy it online at www.myoyeah.com 

Once you have the ticket, on 20 march 2010 at 14.00 you should depart to SABUGA (updated from before, it was Bumi Sangkuriang but then changed to SABUGA) because the gate will open at 15.00. To enjoy the event fully, you should find out first about the run down, which band play at what time, and here i come to the rescue ;P


15.00   Door Open
16.00 15 Burgerkill Arah  
16.25 15 Mortified Sandra Coffee Reggae Stones
16.50 15     Lars
16.50 15 Psychofun    
16.50 20   Morning Blue feat DJ Indieremix  
17.15 20 Nemesis   Efek Rumah Kaca
17.20 15   Black Stocking  
17.45 15 Scared of Bums   Gecko
17.45 30   The Trees and The Wild  
18.25 15 Dharma    
18.30 30     Electrico
18.45 15 Vincent Vega Eiffel  
19.00 15 Awarding I
19.20 30 Pesawat    
19.20 40   Mocca The Banery
20.00 20 Launching Procession – Awarding II
20.20 30     DJ Steph Mag  
20.25 35 Rockstarr Conspiracy Sore  
20.55 45     CAMERA OBSCURA
Transition   DJ 13 DJ Steph Mag – DJ Hogi DJ Steph Mag – DJ Hogi

gak keliatan ya? yauda cek kemari buat lebih jelas

that is the run down, and after run down, what should you know? hmm..

of course the venue layout! do you know there will be 3 stages there?there will be food and drink booth, and merch booth too.. to avoid any chance of you being lost, haha, here is the venue layout :
venue layout

yaph yaph, i guess that should satisfy you and maximize your chance to have fun there ;)

seriously, if you need more information, you should visit here

*that is the official site for LA LIGHTS INDIEFEST FESTIVE SOUND 2010

btw,, do you have your ticket? then i’ll see you there ;)

Dengan kaitkata , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,